About Nayaswami Order

Nayaswamis at Ananda Village

It is time, certainly, for those few who know from within that there is a higher way of life, to demonstrate clearly, in some outward manner, that they have a more valid goal than mere absorption in materialism and ego-consciousness.

—Nayaswami Kriyananda

Thousands Need To “Stand Up and Be Counted”
By Nayaswami Kriyananda
From Clarity Magazine, Winter 2009

“This is certainly not an age when one’s spiritual aspiration should be hidden from others. The influence of worldly delusion is widespread and powerful. This is a time when people need to “stand up and be counted”— a time for active participation in the outer struggle of light against darkness.”

Renunciation Today
By Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi
From Clarity Magazine, Winter 2009

“Nayaswami Kriyananda has recently completed a new book, A Renunciate Order for the New Age, in which he presents a new, universal model of renunciation. The order is based on renouncing the ego rather than renouncing the world, and is intended for people everywhere, including married couples, who are committed to finding God.”

Stages of Renunciation

“Sannyas, or complete renunciation, is not a step to be taken lightly. One must not only be ready for it: he must also convince others of his readiness.”

Vows of Renunciation

“Any pledge one takes — what to speak of any vow? — should have the force behind it of personal conviction.”

Members of the Nayaswami Order

See the current number of members of the Nayaswami Order throughout the world.