Brahmachari Testimonials
Last summer I became aware that I had become stuck, complacent, and comfortable, so I began praying for help. I became aware that what I wanted more than anything was to be free.
Then the Nayaswami Order was created, and I was thrilled. It was what I have yearned for my whole life. It offers sincere truth seekers a way to be part of a spiritual global community that goes beyond the limitation of any religion.
It gave me the opportunity to make a commitment that I have yearned to make formally for a long time. And I was ready. I am now a Brahmacharini living with five other female renunciates, and we are forming a Womens’ monastery.
Already I feel my life changing and my consciousness expanding. I cannot express how grateful I am for this opportunity, and for Nayaswami Kriyananda’s expansive vision
—Brahmacharini Pushpa
I consider joining the new Renunciate Order to be one of the most important steps in my life.
The vow feels like it has removed static from my spiritual life and, much like tuning in a radio station, the reception is more clear.
Even after decades of dedicated sadhana (spiritual practices), a new surge of energy is now enlivening and quickening my practice. The vow has brought more color, dimension, and texture to the tapestry of my spiritual efforts.
My deep gratitude and reverence go to Nayaswami Kriyananda for giving us the new Renunciate Order.
—Brahmacharini Liladevi
Of all the divine gifts that have been given to the world through Nayaswami Kriyananda, these holy vows and ceremonies have granted me more of an experience of my soul’s nobility.
They have freely and lovingly given me a greater determination and power than ever to live for God alone. Wonderfully, these vows can be taken by a person of any religious faith, uniting our efforts to bless and uplift every being on this planet.
—Brahmachari Jagadeesh
“This day is more important to me than any other in my life.” These were the words I shared with God on the day I took Brahmachari vows.
What joy to be with fellow truth-seekers who only want to serve God. Nayawami Kriyananda has opened a door that I never thought would be available. I have known for many years that my path to reach the Divine is best expressed as a single person. Since taking vows I have felt more acutely God’s grace in my life.
What great blessings have come!
—Bramacharini Surana