Chapter Thirteen – The Habit

One’s habit, in Western monastic terminology, signifies the garb of a monk or nun. A habit is a protection and a constant self-reminder of the way of life one has embraced. Paramhansa Yogananda, during his lifetime, was somewhat averse to the wearing of a monastic garb by his disciples. His message was for the world. He didn’t want to convey the message, therefore, that what he taught was only for the few. He did say, however, that it would become suitable in the future for his monastic disciples to indicate the special dedication of their spiritual calling by wearing suitable clothing.

I think it is time, now that his message has become widely known in the world, for monks and nuns — though perhaps cautiously at first — to wear that suitable habit.

Brahmacharis and brahmacharinis should dress in a golden yellow. I suggest that tyagis and tyaginis wear white. Since, however, those working in the world may find any habit inconvenient, I will leave to them the question of when, where, how, etc. Let them decide individually, or as a group.

Nayaswamis, as I said earlier, should wear a bright royal blue. A simple habit has been designed, the same style for men as for women: pyjamas (the uncreased cotton slacks worn in India), and a long tunic top, similar to the Indian kurta , but without buttons, closing with a zipper in the back.As to when this garb should be worn, I would say that it depends on general custom and acceptability. Changes occur more naturally when they are introduced gradually. Ideally, however, the monastic garb should be worn wherever convenient, as a sign of a person’s sincere commitment, and as a personal protection from worldly influences.

More on this important subject, however, in the next chapter.


Chapter 14: The Widespread Need for Renunciation