Nayaswami Testimonials
Taking the Nayaswami vow has transformed and focused my life intently on my spiritual goal of finding God.
My experience during the ceremony was one of extraordinary lightness. I felt a blessing coming from another plane of existence and an assurance that this was right for me. I knew that God was there to help me, and that it would be no burden. Since the ceremony the commitment that I have made stays with me, reminding me always what my priority is in every situation.
I am grateful beyond words that this Nayaswami Order has been made available to me.
—Nayaswami Mukti
Since formally taking the Nayaswami vow on Christmas Eve, 2009, I can sincerely say that I feel changed forever, uplifted, and strengthened in my determination to live for God alone.
I am very grateful to Nayawami Kriyananda for giving me an inspiring new direction for my life, and also for offering it to the many truth-seekers around the world, who feel ready for a deeper commitment to their spiritual lives.
—Nayaswami Savitri
The new Renunciate Order speaks to every moment of my life, pointing me back to the inner life, to God as the polestar of my life.
The words of the vows of the Order are imbued with spiritual power. I have found that my vow as a nayaswami is helping me untangle my Self from the post of ego. I find that I am ever more focused on God in my heart.
I believe the world is ready for, and in great need of, this new dispensation, this “Samadhi–affirming” expression of the spiritual life.
—Nayaswami Padma
I was feeling a little anxious about taking the Nayaswami vows — what did it all mean? Then I went to the vow ceremony and all my doubts melted away.
It felt so “right,” and the blessings of the Masters were tangibly present in that powerful ceremony. Even though I need to deepen my understanding of the vows, my heart is filled with joy at the vast potential for freedom in this sacred order.
—Nayaswami Nalini
I feel so very grateful to have been able to take vows of renunciation as an outer affirmation of my inner Self.
Since taking the vows, I have received many great blessings as well as many great challenges. Staying mindful of allowing God to be the Doer, and to read the vow often is helpful when faced with challenges. The path of Self-Realization is the greatest blessing of my life.
—Nayaswami Lajjana
Taking the Nayaswami vow has shone a spotlight in my consciousness upon who I really am, what my only purpose in life is: to seek God and to serve as His channel of blessing to all.
The light was switched on and remains on — a perpetual reminder and blessing to pursue this purpose constantly, and with more dedication than ever before.
—Nayswami Nishkama
I have certainly been among the “not yet successful” in keeping many of the vows that I have made in my life, and in vowing to live as a nayaswami, I am not deceived into thinking that I have risen to near perfection of purpose.
But I am reminded by the blue that I wear that my soul is all that matters, and I find that I am drawn more deeply inward.
This vow has a power that inspires greater devotion than I have known before. As it has strengthened my will, it has lifted my spirit as well.
—Nayaswami Surendra
When I heard that Nayaswami Kriyananda had created the new Order, I was thrilled. I knew in my heart it was my next step.
At the same time, my mind was saying, “What are you thinking? Read the vows. You’re not that good.”
I decided to listen to my heart, and the evening I took my vows, I felt such joy in my heart, the deepest joy I have ever experienced. I feel God’s presence guiding and uplifting me, and I know that all that comes from God’s hand.
—Nayaswami Tushti
The new Renunciate Order has given energy and focus to my spiritual life and deepened my commitment to God and Guru.
—Nayaswami Nakin
A part of my heart has been held back from every relationship in this life, which include God and Guru.
Having taken this holy vow, I feel different – as if that tiny corner of tucked away darkness has melted into light. I am more aware of the moment and of God’s presence in it. So many things that I used to spend way too much time thinking and worrying about have simply vanished.
Each day as I sit in front of my altar, I renew my vow out loud. It is a reminder. It is JOY.
—Nayaswami Jyoti
I never thought it would be possible to take this step spiritually. I also had no idea the power that it could have in my life.
Before taking my vows I felt my consciousness being lifted but also challenged to put my own energy into lifting my consciousness. It seemed necessary to do this to prepare for the vows themselves. The vows themselves brought more strength and power into my life, along with a feeling that God and Guru were closer than ever. Since the vows, I feel that same strength within me, lifting me up, encouraging me to meet all challenges that come in life.
It is God’s strength and power I feel, and feeling Him as the Doer is becoming more real.
—Nayaswami Lalita
Joining this Order has opened for me the power, the joy, the depth of commitment to both this path and to God Alone.
In every situation it has given me a new understanding of what and perhaps even why Swami Kriyananda was born at this time. What he has brought to the world can uplift all mankind. The ceremony in itself was extraordinary. The room was filled with a certain reverence and anticipation. The bliss that radiated from Swamiji as he initiated each person, and the deep love in his eyes for each soul who came before him were indescribable.
One felt the perfection of God’s love, and the radiance and deep spiritual vibrations that are emanating from it now are touching everyone.
—Nayaswami Durga
These vows fully describe what I have, to the best of my ability, given my life to since acknowledging my Guru in this life.
While they are uniquely personal on a day-to-day, moment-by-moment level, their power is greatly magnified by the fact that they speak to souls of any path who want to live for God Alone. These vows purely reflect the essence of Dwapara Yuga consciousness.
To the receptive heart, they impart a liberating feeling deep within while giving tangible guidance as to how to fully embrace this goal.
—Nayaswami Maria
In my mind I was not sure that I was qualified to take the Vow of Complete Renunciation, but my heart told me it was the right thing to do. Fortunately this mind has learned to trust the heart (at least a little), and I applied and took the vow. Soon afterward I was awed by waves of powerful blessings flowing in all aspects of my life. I am very grateful.
—Nayaswami Sudarshan
What the Nayaswami Renunciate vows mean to me is the freedom to seek the deepest relationship with God of which I am capable.
I no longer feel I am doing something odd, that no one else is doing, nor do I have to explain my deep desire to find God realization. I know now there are many, many others with the same yearnings and goals.
—Nayaswami Janakidevi
Taking the Nayawami vow has been a blessing beyond imagining.
I would have told you before taking it that I already was giving all of my life to the search for God. It was amazing to me that after taking the vow, I found all sorts of little nooks and crannies in my mind that were holding back. It feels like I have been able to make a big jump forward. Instead of having to learn about those hold-outs one by one, they are all there, conscious and easier to release.
There is an amazing grace that comes with the taking of this vow.
—Nayaswami Santoshi
The vow ceremony on Christmas Eve day struck a deep chord within me, and I feel the effects of this process are only beginning to become apparent. Every morning when I review the vow and dedicate myself anew to trying to bring these beautiful ideals more and more into my daily life, I feel a growing happiness and freedom.
—Nayaswami Maitri
I can’t begin to express the deep change that has taken place in my life since I took the deeper into my life and how I feel, and hopefully how I think and act toward others.
I feel a much deeper devotion, and feel God’s presence in my life more deeply. I love the freedom I have felt in releasing so many of the attachments I have felt to things and the results of my actions. What a freedom in God, and what a blessing this is in my life.
Thank you God, and thank you Nayawami Kriyananda.
—Nayaswami Gloria
When I first read Swami Kriyananda’s draft about vows I thought, “Why make a big thing out of it? This is between God and me. That’s all that matters.”
Then something happened. A few days later, I woke up out of a deep sleep, sat up in bed and announced to the walls, “ I’m going to take that vow — the Nayaswami vow!”
The whole focus of my life switched instanteously and dramatically. My consciousness shifted. Everything around me seemed brighter and clearer. There’s a feeling of great upliftment – such as when you’ve finally reached the top of the mountain after a long struggle carrying a heavy backpack.
I thank you, Swamiji, God, and Guru for this gift – again and again.
—Nayaswami Ruth
Taking the Nayaswami vow with Nayaswami Kriyananda in Assisi, Italy, was one of those very special life moments.
I was not only moved deeply during the ceremony for my own sake, but I was thrilled to see this milestone extension of Swamiji’s devotion and service to the cause of Paramhansa Yogananda. There was a sense of history in the moment.
Swamiji’s inspiration to start this new Order in the place associated with Saint Francis was so perfect. This is not a sectarian Order, but a guideline that all devotees can use for understanding and deepening their own journey along the spiritual path.
—Nayaswami Vijay
After learning about the new vows, I remember my heart “sang” with joy and so I knew it was right for me.
I felt very moved to ask Debbie, my stepdaughter, who is now grown with 2 children of her own, to attend the ceremony. Debbie and I have a very mature relationship, and she has been very supportive of me in my spiritual pursuits, but she has made it clear that this is not her path. Still I know that she is searching spiritually.
So I invited her to the vows ceremony and told her how important this step was for me. She was very pleased and came for both the meditation before and for the ceremony.
After the ceremony I could see that she was very moved. There were tears in her eyes, and she gave me a very sincere and long hug. She then asked me if I would be her spiritual guide, which I was honored to do. She asked for a copy of the pilgrim vows as she felt she really resonated with that one and keeps it with her to read regularly.
I believe this ceremony has a power to transform lives. It certainly did so for Debbie.
—Nayaswami Nivritti
There is tremendous spiritual power in the Nayaswami Order, and people have experienced deep blessings that have completely transformed their consciousness after inwardly embracing the vows of the Order.
One woman wrote to me:
When I first read about the Order, I asked myself, “Can Kriyananda do this?”
I continued reading about the Order and something clicked. I started to recite the nayaswami vow before meditation. What followed was an extraordinary meditation. My consciousness seemed to soar, and there was such a sense of joy and sacredness.
It just came to me, “My vow has been accepted!” It seems that in some way I was accepted on the astral plane. I’ve felt very different since then. There’s a sense of the Divine everywhere and operating through everything I do.
This woman’s experience of the power and spiritual magnetism of the Nayaswami Order isn’t unique. Virtually every sincere seeker who has joined the Order has reported similar transformative changes in his life.
—Nayaswami Bharat