Tyagi Testimonials
Nayaswami Kriyananda has given all of us the spiritual tools and guidance in this new Renunciate Order to transcend our little egos. I have felt a deep connection to the spiritual power, magnetism, and bliss behind this initiation.
I am eternally grateful to Nayaswami Kriyananda for all he has done in creating this new path of renunciation for a new age.
—Tyagini Chandi
Since taking the Tyagi vow, I feel a sense of contentment and freedom. There is no need to worry anymore, but only to keep trying to be ever more centered in God. Thank you, Swami Kriyananda, for these vows. They have given me a way to live in a consciousness that I have always longed for.
—Tyagi Aumkara
Taking Tyagi vows for me was a step of going deeper within. It is taking unconditional responsibility and making a commitment to stay with the truth of our Being. I feel such joy that keeps me connected to the Divinity within. Thank you, Swamiji, for opening doors that lead us forward to God.
—Tyagini Gayatri
The best gift that Nayaswami Kriyananda has given the world and to me personally is the Nayaswami Order.
I have always wanted to live a life of renunciation, but never thought it would be possible to do so being married. After I took my Tyagi vows I felt a real energy shift in my core. My heart feels open all of the time, and I accept judgment by others dispassionately as given to me by God for my spiritual growth and highest good.
My only goal in life now is to please God alone.
—Tyagini Andrea
Since taking the Tyagi vow, I feel more relaxed and self-accepting, yet with a more sincere dedication to finding God and serving the Guru’s work as best as I can. I’ve also found I have great respect for all others who’ve taken vows.
It’s as Nayaswami Kriyananda inferred – it makes a life of seeking and finding God much more of a tangible option to others.
—Tyagi Dambara
Taking the Tyagi vows has changed my life for the better. I have answers to questions I didn’t know I was asking. A tremendous weight has been lifted from my consciousness that I didn’t know I was carrying.
There is an ever-new, ever-increasing inner joy that I have been able to tap into at will since that very special day. Everything about my sadhana is the same but so very different at the same time. I don’t have to try to meditate, but just close my eyes and find myself in deep meditation. There are times I feel like a child being held in my loving mother’s arms. To say that a miracle has taken place since taking the vows is an understatement.
One sensation I’ll never forget was the power and the softness during the ceremony. Just thinking about that magical, mystical moment brings tears to my eyes. There is no doubt in my mind that as I was taking the vows to Master, Master was also taking a vow with me.
—Tyagi Gopal
Taking the Tyagi vow has given new strength to my dedication to God and Self-realization, a dedication openly shared with my wife. The joyful turquoise clothes I now wear daily are a constant affirmation of my inner goal.
As a person, I am averse to the orthodoxy, rigidity, and “Churchianity,” which so easily creep into the religious life. Religion often begins young, and ends up old and grey, but this Nayaswami Order has been colorfully created by the ever-free and fresh spirit of Swami Kriyananda.
—Tyagi Jayadev
My soul is thrilled with the rich spiritual opportunity in embracing the Tyagi vow in the Nayaswami Order.
Although I have been seeking God for many years through meditation, devotion, and service, the renunciate vows given by Swami Kriyananda have greatly helped me re-focus on the Divine Goal. It’s like finding a new, more detailed roadmap. I have felt very spiritually encouraged by the vow, which I to embrace with all my heart.
—Tyagi Larry
After the group of us repeated the Tyagi vows together, my husband went forward to be blessed by Nayaswami Jyotish. In that moment I was overwhelmed with gratitude, observing him, with complete trust, humility and an open heart, offering up his self-identity to God and Guru.
I couldn’t contain my tears for the gratitude to witness him in this way. Over time I began to notice that I was more settled, joy was my frequent companion, I felt empowered to change, and became aware of a strength in the core of my being.
The word “dignity” keeps rising in my consciousness. Underlying it all is a deeper level of knowing that God is manifesting this life I call my own. My heart stays open in situations that used to shut it down. All of this adds up to a life with more joy, more calmness, centeredness, and more capacity to love without prejudice or preference.
As I share life with my friends who have taken the Nayaswami vows, all in their radiant royal blue clothing, I am speechless with heart expanding gratitude for the spiritual strength it brings to our whole community. I can only inwardly and silently bow to their dedication. What a gift from God, Guru, and Swamiji, to the world.
—Tyagini Lisa
When I first heard about the new Renunciate Order, a part of me was filled with joy! I knew that it was divinely inspired and that the heavens were rejoicing. During the ceremony as Nayaswami Jyotish read the vow, tears filled my eyes. I felt reverence and gratitude as well as the strength and conviction that living my life for God is truly the only reason I’m here on this planet.
—Tyagini Jivani